Sunday, October 22, 2006

Monday Bloody Monday

Current mood: tired

The week has only just begun, and I'm tired... I'm tired of people passing off projects that they think I should be doing when my own goddamn to-do list is big enough. I'm tired of my roller coaster of emotions. I'm tired of waiting on my retirement loan for the closing of the Elm Street house. I'm tired of my chronic head/neck/shoulder pain and not resting/sleeping worth shit. I'm tired of Aunt Flo' always coming to visit on a fuckin' Monday morning. I'm tired of being cynical and pessimistic about human beings (including myself). As Tom Petty says (sings), "I'm so tired of being tired, sure as night will follow day.  Most the things I worry 'bout, never happen anyway."  Yeah well, I'm working on that ying-yang thang, but I also find that circle/cycle tiring at times.

[Backposted from 10/22/06] 


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